Story For Kids With Moral [A Dilemma of Love and Regret]

Story For Kids With Moral

A Dilemma of Love and Regret

A Dilemma of Love and Regret

These online colleges institutions cater mainly to working professionals. Online programs are often designed to be flexible because they mainly attract working adults. But online-only universities may more likely be structured in a way that satisfies working students' other needs, perhaps with multiple starting points throughout the year and accelerated options, says Jennifer Mathes, director of strategic partnerships for the Online Learning Consortium, an organization aiming to improve online higher education. She was a simple homely girl from a small town who had many dreams.  He was a simple guy with a successful career.  Fate brought them together, she fell in love and he accepted his feelings for her too.  She looked upon him as her everything.  He understood her more than anyone.  He wanted to provide everything that was good for her.  She wanted to do everything that can make him happy.

online colleges Accreditation is particularly important. Accreditation is verification from an outside authority that a college or university – and in some cases, a specific program – meets certain standards of quality, whether it's on campus, online or a combination. Though a voluntary process, accreditation increases the likelihood that employers will accept a job candidate's degree and that credits will transfer, among other benefits. He wanted her to grow out of shadows of in-home life and become a self-dependent.  He wanted her to learn how to face the harsh reality of society and make a career, so if anything happens to him in future, she can survive.   He was constantly guiding her and often even scolded her when she made mistakes.  He was molding her for her own good.  She was getting success and many guys were showing interest in her.  Oh did I mention she was a beauty too!  She had a smile that can fill anyone’s, heart.

As time passed, she became more confident and her career was reaching its peak. But he as always stood by her, always guiding her and continue to push her for more progress.  However, she was no longer liked him giving her advice.  She felt that she is more than capable of deciding what to do.  He too was always working and differences started to grow.  She never understood why he was always pushing her for more and more.  But she started quarreling with him.  It grew.  She left him saying, “I am not the one to listen to you always, I can decide what’s best for me now, I am successful, There are many guys who will be more than happy to accept me as I am, If you do not like it, go to hell.”
online colleges-only doesn't automatically mean lower quality. Students should weigh many factors – faculty, reputation, availability of student services, cost and course structure, to name a few – when choosing a program rather than jumping to conclusions, experts say. Despite not having access to in-person resources, online colleges students may find other advantages to choosing a school that only focuses on them. Despite not having access to in-person resources, online colleges students may find other advantages to choosing a school that only focuses on them.
He felt hurt.  He who loved her since she was a simple homely girl, failed to understand why would she think in such a negative manner about him.  He who always wanted her to be self-dependent, who felt proud each time she reached the new height of success, how can she say such things.  He left her saying,

These online colleges programs aren't right for everyone. If you want face-to-face access to professors and support services or lack self-discipline and time-management skills, rethink whether online-only is the best choice. “Perhaps the ego of your success has grown in your mind that you have failed to feel my feelings for you in your heart.  I loved you when you were a simple girl without a career or a success in your life.  My intention was always to encourage you, not to make you feel anything less.  Perhaps, failure is mine that after all the time we spent together, I couldn’t make you understand what you are for me and what I wished for you.  I wished only best for you, I wished you achieve more success than me.  I wished you do not make the same mistakes which I made.  That was the only reason I always guided you and scolded you.  May you find everything you ever wished for.”

Access to faculty and student services of online colleges may still be available. Just because students at online-only schools don't have access to a campus doesn't mean support staff aren't available virtually. Phil Molling, an enrollment counselor at the online, for-profit Capella University, says students often communicate with faculty via email and phone. Students may also use videoconferencing, experts say. He knew that both are made for each other, no one can make them happy as much as they can make each other. But, he had no words left to say as he was truly heartbroken. She later realized it but, it was too late and had to end up living with the regret of a lifetime.

Moral:  Only those who care for you will try to show you the right path by guiding you or even being harsh occasionally – only because they want the best for you.  Think for a minute of your past and person who was part of your life then but not today, Where would you have been today if it was not for such person to be in your life?  Let go of ego and anger because eventually, it will cost us what could be the most valuable part of our life. Many are for-profit schools. online colleges,  While public institutions are now increasingly creating separate online programs or departments, online-only universities are more likely to be for-profit than nonprofit, says Mathes. Experts say some employers may be more hesitant to accept for-profit online degrees, though they note quality varies widely within the sector. online colleges Courses may still have clinical requirements. While Western Governors classifies itself as a completely online university, some programs – including those where students can attain a nursing licensure – still require students to complete some work in person, says Daren Upham, vice president of academic operations at the school.

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